State regulators find Oxford Casino didn’t violate laws or rules after email error

AUGUSTA, Maine (WGME) — Oxford Casino didn’t violate any state laws or rules when it mistakenly sent thousands of customers a winning promotional email last month, according to a recent ruling by Maine’s Gambling Control Board.

Each week, Oxford Casino holds an email promotion where it chooses five customers at random over email to win $250 in free slot credits.

Last month, state regulators say that email was incorrectly sent to 60,000 people instead of just 5.

Within an hour of that email going out the casino sent a retraction saying the original winner message was sent in error.

The situation lead to nearly 200 complaints being filed with the Gambling Control Board, which later opened an investigation.

In a recent ruling, the Board dismissed the complaints against Oxford Casino after finding no violations of the rules, writing:

“After careful review of the established facts, the Board’s laws and rules, and Oxford Casino’s files “Email Drawing Promotion Rules” for this promotion, the Executive Director concludes that the email offer accidentally sent to the 60,000 plus recipients and then promptly retracted does not violate Gambling Control Board laws or rules, because the original email was sent accidentally, was inconsistent with the filed “Email Drawing Promotion Rules,” and Oxford Casino provided prior notification of the retraction to the Board’s Executive Director immediately upon realizing the mistake, before the retraction was sent, and then sent a clarifying retraction to over 60,000 original recipients.”

In coming to the ruling the Board’s Executive Director said he reviewed all written complaints, the explanation provided by the casino of its actions and reviewed the rules governing the email promotion.

You can read the full ruling HERE.

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